Professor Louis Pheeis the Vice President (Innovation & Entrepreneurship), Dean of College ofEngineering and the Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor in MechanicalEngineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Prior to hisdeanship, he has served 3 years as Chair of the School of Mechanical &Aerospace Engineering.
He graduated fromNTU with the B.Eng (Hons) and M.Eng degrees in 1996 and 1999 respectively. Heobtained his PhD from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy in 2002 on aEuropean Union scholarship.
His researchinterests include Medical Robotics and Mechatronics in Medicine. He was arecipient of the prestigious National Research Foundation (NRF) InvestigatorAward.
ProfessorPhee is the co-founder of 2 NTU start-ups and is an advisor and mentor toentrepreneurial faculty and students. He was awarded the Young Scientist Award(2006), the Outstanding Young Persons of Singapore Award (2007), the NanyangOutstanding Young Alumni Award (2011), the President’s Technology Award (2012),the Nanyang Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award (2013) and the Nanyang AlumniAchievement Award (2017).